Another Ebay find. No year listed, but perhaps someone more familiar with wrestling can hazard a guess. I do know that the roller rink at 77-00 Queens Blvd became L'amour East around 1982.
I remember when this death occured.
Queens Blvd was once a hotbed of wrestling with the Sunnyside Gardens and Elk's Club hosting events. Granted tastes change, but now I can't think of one commercial venue for a live event in Elmhurst.
They had wrestling and extreme fighting or something at the Elks lodge in 2007.
I know this comment is a little old but Pedro Morales used to live in Elmhurst by elmhurst general hospital.
That is a WWF card from 1982. Interesting to know the history of this place. Never would have guessed that the Good Fortune Supermarket was the home of an arena and L'Amour East. And they still to this day have pro wrestling at the Elks Lodge.
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